Sunday, December 10, 2017


Bishop Family
September 5-6 2000 (Fall)
Lora is 37, Derrick is 40, Guest Abby Wool

I made my husband rush home hoping to make the deadline. We only had 3 hours until insurance for this year closed. If we missed the deadline we would have to pay everything out of pocket. The minute we get home I race into the office to start filling out paper work.

The task was long because I could hear everything going on. Moses was scratching away on his post, thank heavens he waited till we got home. My husband was arguing with that Abby woman. She was proving to be more work then she was is worth.

I try not to listen to my husbands conversation but I can't help but chuckle at the conversation. Apparently she is upset about our sons behavior and then tells my husband if we don't pay her royally she will have him arrested. Silly woman, doesn't she know we own the cops in this town! Now all there is to do is befriend the mayor. We would really run the show then. 

Just in case you were wondering, I was able to fill out all the information in time and get my family some insurance. There goes $500 dollars down the drain but at least we don't have to pay for anything. 

A/N: So when I was making Derrick he rolled 0 nice points. That tickled me because I already knew in my mind he was going to be a mob boss. What I didn't account for was the fact that friend making is a struggle. He doesn't like anybody but his wife and even that, he only has one bolt for her. 
So far this is my favorite family, which is why there are so many updates for them but I am just taking way to many pictures and I can't stop myself. LOL.


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